Friday, March 14, 2008

Words Unsaid

All the words that went unsaid before it was to late are building in my soul. All the hope I wished we had shared. All the times I wish I could go back and all the moments that went away like a breeze on the shore. They are all here. Compiling like a fragile child's game of building blocks getting higher and higher in my chest. It is a feeling like I am going to explode, and I am afraid.

Every time I think of what was and what was lost I want to burst out in a river of madness that engulfs me. I want to lay in the shadows of a dark room and do nothing at all. I want to just sit and pretend I was still with him.

Words have a way of being a sharp double edged word that can crash into you both. They are fragile and powerful. They are the simple characters that can never be taken back. How ironic is it then, that the lack of words can be just as damaging. All the things you wanted to say that never found a way to be voiced sit there stirring a place inside of you that you wish could be washed away with the flow of your tears. All the little words that as simple as can be, were not simple enough for you to say. All the times you felt love in the world, yet you could not voice it in a word consisting of only 4 letters.

Words unsaid can wreck havoc on the emotions, the lives, and the heads of those they never escaped from. Words unsaid are not what they once were. They are equivalent to rose bushes that although once beautiful, are not covered in thrones. Thorns that prick the person who once planted the beautiful creatures to come to life.

So how do you go back? How do you turn back time and stop the thrones from pricking all of your skin? How do you live once again in their beauty? These are the questions we can not answer. After all the words were never said to ask. Maybe we were scared of the sound of the words. Is it possible that hearing them out loud would have made us even more vulnerable then we originally were? Is it possible that the vocalization of these words would have only made our emotions reality to someone else other then ourselves?

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